1. Supported Languages
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- German
- Mandarin (Coming Soon)
2. Commands and Usage
Add a user to the ticket.
Set up the ticket blacklisted role. ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY
Closes the ticket.
Provides information on setup and other bot features. ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY
Responds with the ID of the provided object.
Provides an invite link for Ticket Time.
/remove [user]
Removes a user from the ticket.
Set up a language by creating all roles, channels and messages in one command! ALL LANGUAGES
Launches the ticketing system. ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY
Set up the ticket channel categories. ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY
Set up the ticket log category. ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY
Set up the ticket moderation team role. ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY
3. Additional Information
Ticket Time is a Discord bot designed to efficiently manage support tickets. It is regularly updated with new features and improvements. All commands tagged: ENGLISH SUPPORT ONLY are support with the /setup command in all offered languages.